Strengthening the capacities of social and development associations
In order to improve the capabilities of the local partner associations that contribute with Basma Foundation in implementing its projects, a series of training sessions were prepared and implemented for the benefit of the members of the aforementioned associations.
The training has been divided into two programs:
– Training program for associations Boards of Directors.
– Training of trainers program for associations staff.
These programs aim to enrich members’ skills and help them invest their learning to train associative actors.
Do something that pushes your boundaries, something that you wouldn’t ordinarily do. Take a calculated risk and allow yourself to crumble a little.
Social and development associations
– Training program for associations Boards of Directors: 120
– Training of trainers program: 20
– Rabat-Salé Kenitra Region
– Tangier-Tetouan-Alhouceima Region
– Casablanca-Settat Region
437.600,00 MAD/ 51.483,00 USD
Ministry of Solidarity, Women, Family and Social Development