- برنامج “إنماء” – مؤسسة بسمة للتنمية الاجتماعية
- برنامج “سنابل” لتمويل المشاريع الصغرى – مؤسسة بسمة للتنمية الاجتماعية
- مشروع تأهيل مدرسة ايت الحاج- جماعة الهري إقليم خنيفرة في إطار برنامج إنماء
- مؤسسة بسمة للتنمية الاجتماعية تفتتح قرية سكنية مؤقتة لساكنة دوار إمليل المتضررة من زلزال الحوز
- مؤسسة بسمة للتنمية الاجتماعية تطلق مشروع الرعاية الصحية الأولية لسكان جماعة أغبار المتضررين من زلزال الحوز
- دعوة للتقديم لمناقصة : توفير خدمات طبية بجماعة أغبار إقليم الحوز
- عملية تسليم منازل سكنية مؤقتة لفائدة ساكنة إقليم تارودانت بشراكة مع مؤسسة Risk Zwaan
- زيارات ميدانية لمجموعة من المشاريع التي مولتها مؤسسة بسمة بالتعاون مع مجموعة من الجمعيات
- افتتاح مدرسة بدوار أسيف زگراون جماعة إمگدال إقليم الحوز
- افتتاح مشاريع تنموية بإقليم أزيلال
The post literacy program aims to rehabilitate women who have previously benefited from the literacy program in the areas of sewing, embroidering and pastry making, in order to facilitate their social and economic integration, in parallel…
Youth training project in beekeeping techniques
Within the framework of the Al-Shifae project for the production of natural honey and in partnership with the agricultural institutes of the Ministry of Agriculture and Maritime Fishing in various regions, a series of training sessions were…
Strengthening the capacities of social and development associations
In order to improve the capabilities of the local partner associations that contribute with Basma Foundation in implementing its projects, a series of training sessions were prepared and implemented for the benefit of the members of the…
Eid Al-Adha
The project aims to alleviate the state of deprivation felt by orphan and vulnerable children on the occasion of Eid Al-Adha.
School’s Wallet
Its goal is to reduce school dropout by providing school tools for orphans and Vulnerable Children of poor and needy families.
Eid Clothes
Its goal is to provide psychological and financial support for orphans and to bring a smile to their faces on the occasion of Eid Al Fitr.
Ramadan Food Basket
The project aims to provide a number of Ramadan baskets to families in need. The baskets include a selection of essential products for the holy month.
Wheelchairs distribution for people with special needs
In order to help persons with disabilities and their families , the Foundation has endeavored to provide a number of wheelchairs for them.
Renovation and equipping of health centers
The project sought to improve access to health facilities and equip them in a manner that allows them to perform their functions in the best way. In this context, the Foundation, with the support of its partners, maintained and restored a…
Cardiac surgery operations
The project is based on facilitating cardiac operations for patients who are unable to pay their costs. This initiative has resulted in the first operations of this kind in the clinics of Tangier.